Alum | Emily Flannery

Wiradjuri woman Emily Flannery is an emerging dancer and choreographer

Emily Flannery is a proud Wiradjuri woman from Forbes in the Central West region of NSW. She began dancing at a young age and focused on classical ballet at The McDonald College.

After graduation, she pursued her love of dance and connection to culture at NAISDA Dance College, Australia’s leading arts training organisation, which provides nationally accredited qualifications specifically for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people.

Emily was the recipient of the Young Regional Artist Scholarship (YRAS), which enabled her to spend five months at Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company in Israel during her final year of study in 2018.

Since graduating, Emily has performed with Opera Australia, Phunktional Arts, Catapult Choreographic Hub, Ensemble Offspring and Karul Projects, and collaborated with Cloe Fournier, Katina Olsen and Yolande Brown.

Emily was an artist-in-residence at PACT Theatre with the Lost All Sorts Collective and also a recipient of the Joanne Harris Graduate Scholarship program.

In 2019, Emily received DirtyFeet Choreographic Lab, which enabled her to begin her choreographic journey. This pathway allowed her to develop the work Bulnuruwanha (Taking Flight), which was supported by DirtyFeet’s Out of The Studio 2020, AusDance DAIR, Central Coast Council, ReadyMade Works, and Guts Dance. Bulnuruwanha, a performance and workshop, had its world premiere at the Sydney Opera House in 2021.

In 2021, she joined the renowned Bangarra Dance Theatre company in Sydney.