Audition via Video – Requirements

MCD video audition

We prefer that you audition in person at the College. This allows you to meet your future teachers, participate in workshops, tour the campus, and get a sense of who we are.

We understand that illness or distance might prevent families from attending an in-person audition. In these cases, you may Audition via Video.

If you need to audition this way, you will need to

An online test at home is required to assess literacy and numeracy (45 mins).
Our Registrar will email a link to the test.
The test must be completed within 5 days under the supervision of a Parent / Guardian.
Wear comfortable clothing.
Prepare 2 recorded monologues (1 -2 mins each).
Monologues should be age-appropriate and contrasting in nature, e.g. comedy and a drama, or a contemporary piece and a classic piece, such as Shakespeare or from a period drama.

Years 7 – 9
A student entering the Junior Classical Ballet Stream in Year 7 is recommended to be studying at the RAD Intermediate Foundation level or equivalent. Female students should be in the process of beginning pointe work under the supervision and guidance of a dance physiotherapist.

Years 10 – 12
A student entering the Senior Classical Ballet Stream in Year 10 is recommended to have completed their RAD Intermediate level or equivalent with a secure foundation for the more advanced levels of training.
At the audition:
Wear classical ballet attire.

Years 7 – 9
A student entering the Junior Classical Ballet Stream in Year 7 is recommended to be studying at the RAD Intermediate Foundation level or equivalent. Female students should be beginning pointe work under the supervision and guidance of a dance physiotherapist.

Years 10 – 12
A student entering the Senior Classical Ballet Stream in Year 10 is recommended to have completed their RAD Intermediate level or equivalent with a secure foundation for the more advanced levels of training.
As an option, you can include a variation or classical solo if you wish.
You will be assessed on your technical proficiency, posture, line of the legs and feet, carriage of the arms and upper back, weight placement, use of turnout, and musicality.
Wear appropriate dance attire.
Present one or more solos / variations of your choice.
You should demonstrate your dance abilities across a range of styles, including (but not limited to) jazz, tap, ballet, and contemporary (2 mins or less).
You must submit two videos of different dance styles.
Videos can be of classical, contemporary, improvisation or any other dance styles, showing skills, technique, and authentic movement.
At the panel’s discretion, you may be asked to demonstrate your technical proficiency through scales/arpeggios or simple vocal exercises for singers.
At the audition:
Wear smart casual attire.
You will need to prepare two contrasting pieces of your choosing on your primary instrument or voice.
At the panel’s discretion, you may be asked to demonstrate your technical proficiency through scales/arpeggios or simple vocal exercises for singers.
You should provide the panel with a list of previous performance experience.
At the discretion of the panel, you may be asked to demonstrate your technical proficiency through scales/arpeggios or simple vocal exercises for singers.
Wear smart casual attire.
You are required to perform one vocal piece of your choosing from any stage musical. Choreography is not required. 
As an option, include a monologue to showcase your diversity and storytelling skills.