Reflecting on the end of Term 2, 2023
As I write this Term 2 reflection, we are at the Winter Solstice. Going forward, each day will get a fraction longer than the previous day until we reach the Summer Solstice in December. This time of the year is when I feel lighter and begin looking forward to the colours and fragrances of Spring.
I hope you have enjoyed the wonderful performances by our students over the recent weeks, demonstrating the essence of our college.
The performances by our Musical Theatre students in Matilda the Musical were captivating and could have been on any professional stage.
Our Actors produced a powerful and emotionally charged production of The Crucible to sold-out audiences. Again, their professionalism was second to none. Then there were the entertaining and skilled performances of: Black Comedy, A Mixed Bag, You Asked for It, A Musical Evening at the Zoo, Our Teacher’s a Troll and Hitler’s Daughter. Not to mention our tennis students, who have been travelling far and wide, honing their competition skills with great success.
To wrap up Term 1, the academic and performance reports are written, parent / teacher / student conferences are being held, multiple excursions have taken learning beyond the classroom, and the weather was perfect for the Secondary Athletics carnival. Then there was Grandparents Day, Eisteddfods, and the biennial Principal’s Gala Dinner, which raised over $40,000 that will go towards the Canteen refurbishment. Thank you again to our organising committee, sponsors and those who donated.
To Year 12 students and their families, the coming three weeks of non-term time are crucial in your study regime and preparation for the HSC. Students should create a study timetable and maintain this while also taking time to relax and take care of themselves. Parents – please be proactive in encouraging and assisting your student to focus on their studies.
Congratulations to our alumni, Tim Draxl and Ayesha Madon, who have both been nominated for Logies.
I wish our whole community a safe and warm winter break and thank our staff for their commitment and care of our students (and each other).

Maxine Kohler