Debating Success! Our Seniors Win ANVDC Round on AI regulation
On Friday 28 June 2024, four members of the Senior Debating Team participated in their third debate for the Australian National Virtual Debating Competition (ANVDC), presenting the Affirmative side for the topic:
That the government should regulate the ethical development and deployment of artificial intelligence systems.
Very topical, particularly given today’s staff professional development focus on the risks and benefits of AI in education.
The team was victorious!!!🏆 Our students defeated Central West Leadership Academy in Dubbo. The adjudicator commented in particular on the sophistication of the team’s model for a better future which capitalised on the positive effects of AI while minimising the harms.
Each debate in the ANDVC is conducted via zoom. The team has one hour to prepare their arguments, with only 15 minutes to conduct internet research. Each speaker then has 7 minutes to present their case and rebut the opposing team’s ideas.
We commend the team’s dedication, particularly given the busyness of this term, requiring these students to balance multiple assessments and performances with their love for debating.
They have demonstrated wonderful collaborative and critical thinking skills, speaking with passion and conviction in each of their three online debates.

The McDonald College Senior Debating Team consists of Year 12 students:
Speaker 1 – Samuel Dunnicliff
Speaker 2 – Emma King
Speaker 3 – Daniel Harris
Silent 4th member – Caitlin Dooley
These students, who also perform in our Music and Musical Theatre streams, are living proof that Performing Arts and traditional academic subjects can coexist harmoniously.