Book Tasting
Our Year 3/4 class have been working on improving their reading endurance as our current silent reading record was 30 minutes. The students wanted to improve on this by trying to read for a whole hour, so we decided to spend an hour reading while partaking in a book tasting session.
What is a book tasting? A book tasting allows students to try books of different genres that they may not normally pick up to read. We borrowed a range of books from our school library and books in our classroom. We sorted them into different genres and set up reading tables around the book themes. Students chose a table and had five minutes to taste a book. When the time was up they wrote a quick review of the book. Students then moved on to a different table and chose a different genre to taste.
Students were amazed at how quickly the hour disappeared and discovered authors that they wanted to try. Some students even moved to the next table carrying one of the books they tried because they wanted to make sure they could borrow the book to read at a later time.
Leanne Harrington
Year 3/4